Yesterday's tragic events in Ukrainian skies bring the world's attention again to the border of Russia and Ukraine. It has been a tough year. Initial student demonstrations on Maidan Square, renamed EuroMaidan because of the protestors' orientation toward European ideals of free speech, democracy and accountability for elected officials, led to bloody repercussions in Kiev, the Russian takeover of Crimea, and separatist movements in Luhansk and Donetsk. Ukraine hasn't been in the news this much since ... well, probably ever. More will emerge about the shooting of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 (which already has its own Wikipedia page). Investigations will be conducted, opinions aired, perhaps international courts convened. And eventually a memorial will be erected in the midst of those Ukrainian wheat fields. I have for some time been planning to write about my former student, Andriy Lyubka, a poet and writer whose time on the barricades in December and January di...
A blog about travel and staying put, reading and writing, food and food for thought.