Lately I've been doing some research into Russian food culture, which led me to think more about the issue of hospitality. The Russian word for hospitality is " gostepriimstvo ," literally "guest-reception." A synonym for this reminds me of what that translates to in real life: " khlebosol'stvo ," bread-and-salt. When you receive guests, what do you do with them? You feed them. This I can relate to -- I love to fill my own house with the smells of baking and cooking and then with people who will consume all that I produce. I've written about hospitality before . The traditional greeting for guests entering a Russian village involves a woman, preferably I imagine a comely maiden, holding an embroidered scarf between her arms with a loaf of bread and a cellar of salt perched atop. Not an everyday occurrence anymore, but I've experienced the ritual, and it is both lovely and a little weird. I've reproduced the ritual for my classes of...
A blog about travel and staying put, reading and writing, food and food for thought.