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NFZ, part II

Are antibiotics always the answer? For those of you waiting to find out what happened to my poor sick boy in the public health care system of Poland:

1) he was given a health card!

(Apparently my insistence that I have health insurance through the university was convincing, even without any evidence ... and no, I don't have a contract yet, and I haven't paid into the system yet ... In Poland, the wheels of bureaucracy move slowly. On the other hand, I have recently informed the university bookkeeper of my town of birth, my mother's first name, and my father's first name [why?!]. So health insurance must be not far behind.)

2) he was given yet more prescriptions -- for another antibiotic, in case he has a sinus infection, for nose drops to penetrate his stuffy nasal passages, for allergy medicine in the spring... Polish doctors love their prescription pads.

It's not quite clear, though, what is going on in his sinuses, because our doctor is a pediatric GP. She explained to me that she has the authorization and the tools to look into his ears, but not into his nose -- for that you need a laryngologist.

He's feeling better and has been back in school, and he even survived a long day trip in the snow and cold to Lódż last Saturday.

I have much to say about Lódż, but not at the moment -- have to get packed for Berlin.


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