This morning I find myself singing that old song: "Feelings, nothing more than feelings..." According to the Medusa Project , a Russian news site, President Vladimir Putin accused the U.S. of deliberately and gratuitously worsening Russian-American relations: американская сторона «предприняла ничем не спровоцированный шаг по ухудшению российско-американских отношений» The American side "took an absolutely unprovoked step toward worsening Russian-American relations." Fascinating. Unprovoked? But what caught my eye in the news this morning was the English translation of Putin's characterization of his cuts to embassy and consulate personnel. In English he was reported in the New York Times to have said: "It is biting." CNN was a little more clear, saying that Putin called the cuts "biting" measures . But the Russian says something different: chuvstvitel'ny . The measures should be sensed, noticeable, possibly emphatic . But ...
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